I have a feeling that no one will read this. In fact, no one significant in my life knows about this little blog I have created, however, after reading blogs in the past, and post poning the homework I need to do, I have resorted to typing a little something for myself.
Today, waking up to the shower being used in the bathroom attached to my room wasn't ideal, but I was delighted with the thought I got 11 hours of sleep. This is big, considering my sleeps that have been 6 hours have been considered a miracle lately. I reach for my phone and go onto facebook (which is an addiction I need to get under control) and was informed by a status that today was ground hog day. Segway: When I was younger ground hog day use to be huge for me, but today, I totally forgot it happened.
For what seems to happen all the time now, I grabbed my iPad and starting researching Europe. Now this is big news in my life: I have bought myself a ticket into Frankfurt from June27th- July 30th. I am, along with facebook, addicted to looking at photos, maps and cities in places all over Germany, Austria, Belgium, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Switzerland, and the list goes on. As if Europe isn't enough, I am flying by myself to meet up with a beloved friend of mine, Nora! She lives in Frankfurt and we met during my graduation year of highschool while she was an exchange student. She has a car and the thought of not taking trains was surprisingly, an awesome alternative to what I thought we didn't have an alternative for. We will also be traveling with our friend Lioba (also an exchange student in my high school) for about two weeks. We will see other friends from school, but getting off topic (as I tend to do all the time now).
Nora and I
Lioba and I
After marvelling over the computer for an hour, I set out on my first run of 2012. It was the first time it was warm enough and no ice on the streets. Okay, the sun lied because, although it was shining, my hands were frozen and I couldn't feel my cheeks. Arriving back home I ate, showered and changed just to head back out the door for the walk to school. Walking into my first class (which by the way is at 1pm) I found myself sitting with students who I normally don't sit with in class. Nothing significant, but just something that made today different. Did I mention they were simply splendid? (I like my use of words that don't usually occur during my everyday vocab.)
I am going to skip past the details in my classes and jump ahead to my walk home. I was a little ticked off that my mom said that she was at my aunts house but I found out she had actually left without me. I figured the walk home would be nice anyways so I plugged in my music and off I went. Just for some visuals, it was 6pm and it was dark out. The high school parking lot I cut through from my college was packed tonight due to a basketball tournement. As I was walking by the main entrance I saw 2 boys who I had graded with entering the school. It was a pleasant surprise that they noticed me smiling and a bonus when they asked how my schooling was. The pleasant surprise is not a result of flattery or flirtatiousness, but instead that they had a genuine conversation with me. I find that a lot of people I see are still caught up in high school in the sense that they look the other way, like the way most people did in the hall ways of high school.
I think I took an extra liking to this interaction due to an experience I had at a party this past weekend: basically high school all over again. The same people were talking with the same people. The same group would point and laugh at others while another group was gathered around the speakers. I am a hypocrite, given that I was with my group, however, compared to the get togethers I have gotten use to during my first semester in college, I was guess I was just shocked to see how relevant it still was in this particular setting.
Now, there is this singer, Keane. I love him. He has a couple duets with K'nann and during one of the songs I was listening to K'nann sings "Life makes sense backwards but you have to live it forward". I think I found this so astonishing for a couple of reasons
1) I know this song backwards and forwards but for some reason I had never heard this line before.
2) To make myself feel better, it was in the backgroud of the main... chorus I guess you could say.
3) Holy, you always hear "if only I knew that when I was younger", but man, in that context, I couldn't help but smile.
My walk after that had a little bigger hop with each step.
A welcome from my mom as I walk into the house followed by an amazing dinner and no homework (even though I really should have) has lead me to this... my first blog. Who knows if I will ever have a blog again, but you never know.
I will not edit this for a couple of reasons: I really need to do homework and I simply don't have time.
Here is the amazing song though... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zI9C9j0QgU4